Real-Time Payments

Adopting Real-Time Payments can be challenging.

Fundamentally, it is a complex integration issue. As no scheme works in isolation, the interoperability of the schemes is perhaps the key problem facing financial institutions.


Most organisations have existing legacy systems and it is the integration of the old and the new which drives the challenge for innovation and testing. Existing test tools and methodologies are, quite simply, no longer fit for purpose.

Iliad – The t3 Platform

How can the t3 platform help your institution adapt to a future where Real-Time payments is the standard both nationally and internationally?


Iliad is working on Real-Time Payment initiatives on four continents. From the inception of Faster Payments in the UK in 2008, Iliad has been at the forefront of testing and certifying Real-Time Payment systems. We have worked with scheme based solutions using ISO8583, ISO20022 and more recently gRPC.  We test both Batch and Instant payment variants and our accumulated and unique experience is reflected in our t3 platform.

Removing friction

Real Time Payment systems may lay the “rails” for faster payments but participants face the challenge of migrating or incorporating their existing systems to the new way of working.  Many adjunct or peripheral systems must be tested in conjunction with the new scheme, this intersection of new technologies with pre-existing systems or even the interaction with other new technologies such as OpenAPI is where t3 adds most value.

The t3 platform allows participants to ensure they can take the full value from scheme use and, at the same time, allows schemes to make sure participants can take full advantage of their offering.  Removing friction from the adoption of new payment technologies is what the t3 platform is designed to do.


The t3 platform is used by payment schemes, scheme participants and third party processors. The platform can provide :

  • Sandboxes (often “white-labelled”)
  • Functional and non-functional testing
  • Pre-Certification
  • Full ‘self-service’ Certification
  • On-boarding
  • Business and mandated releases


Iliad is independent, removing any conflict of interest when testing third party software.  We work with all Real-Time Payment vendors and their operators which means you can be confident of removing interoperability risks.

Our platform runs equally as efficiently in the Cloud or On-Premise. We use the latest technology to take full advantage of any configuration.

To book a demo, or to get more information, please contact us.

Find out how t3 Can change the way you test payments

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